Monday, April 14, 2008

the things I will do to see a naked man.....

Its been a while since ive blogged, and i had a great trip to bangkok and caught up with the Hong Kong gals and had a great time. There is photographic evidence, and one of these days I will upload them. sometime...

I bought a bike (what else is there to do in canberra?) and today rode to work for the first time. I left pretty early as i wasnt sure how long it would take and where the shower was and all that stuff. So I got to work after riding my bike for 25 mins and pushing it up 2 hills. I locked my bike in the bike shed, and headed off to the showers. It was about 7:30, and no one else was around. I wandered through the 2 security doors, and found the lockers and showers. I took my time showering (it is a better shower than my one at home!) and then got dressed and headed up to the office and got to work.

I had a very slow uneventful day at work, and then was ready to ride back home, with the last of the daylight. I went back downstairs to head to the shower/change room. I went through the 2 security doors and was about to walk into the locker room, when i realised the one i went to this morning was the blokes one. I walked in to the girls one this afternoon and yep, it definately wasnt the one i went to this morning. So I showered in the mens changeroom. And nope unfortunately (or thankfully) i didnt run into anyone in the shower.

Other notable thingies:

*I signed up for volunteer work, and found one i wanted, and they told me they didnt need anyone for the next few months and they would call me when they do. They don't want me! So need to find a different one - and you know how picky i am.

* I'm thinking of signing up to a night class to do something during the week. and I was thinking english grammar. Cause let's be honest, i know shit all about grammar - and it will come in handy with all the documents i seem to be writing lately. (and yes i cant be bothered with caps atm)

* I might be in sydney this weekend to be fed a pesach (passover) feast, and b/c im sick of being alone in canberra.

Wish me luck for the ride tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so did u see schlong? :P