Friday, July 21, 2006

TFIF! And a pleb of my very own!!

Work today was wasteful (as if it isn't always). I worked as slow as if I had a hangover, yet I hadn't had a drink in days, and I had slept pretty well the night before. A definite case of friday-itis!
The highlight of my day - I have hired my very own PLEB. She starts on tuesday! I can't wait! The only bummer is I'm teaching every day next wk and in singapore the following so not going to have lots of time to boss the pleb around :(

This weekend im having my first dinner party. Going to test out my mini oven, and see if my new friends appreciate my dinner parties. At the moment got 3 ppl coming over on sunday, but trying to find one more - we'll see how i go. Otherwise just planning to tidy the flat, get organised and maybe be a bit chilling...

Oh and I'm trying to find a cheap flight to london or paris in september (but not too cheap, i still want to fly a decent airline ;)

I better get changed, im off to miras for shabbat dinner - Not sure about her friends, but the food is good ;)

More later guys - oh and if anyone knows someone in singapore let me know.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Too many clothes & no kitchen storage....

I'm so over unpacking - I have nowhere to put anything, 4 boxes to still unpack, and no appropriate clothes. Let me give you a snapshot of my wardrobe:
3 pairs of boots
8 jumpers
4 cardigans
4 jackets
8 jeans
34 long sleeve tees
2 skivvys
4 winter work pants
4 winter skirts
84 t shirts
23 singlets
2 shorts (both ugly)
2 skirts
4 sundresses (1 v. short, 1 v. ugly, 2 v.clingy)
1 Winter Coat!!

All in all, dont like my wardrobe any more now that it's in HK. BTW does anyone think this wardrobe would be more appropriate in London? Or at least Melbourne??
BTW My mother put about 40 sheets, blankets and towels in my bloody boxes, and now I have no where to store it. Mum, I dont have that many ppl to sleep over - and if I did I'd make them all share my bed ;)

Oh and the Kitchen. I don't know what I'm going to do. Ive put the big bowels in the dining room, and I guess the knifes will go there too. Again mum put in a thousand plastic containers which I have to put somewhere. This afternoon I'm going to go buy a load of plastic storage boxes, and just put everything in that, and stick it in the spare room.

When I have guests there will be no guest wardrobe space. I'm sorry - but I have too much shit. Oh and I'm giving up washing, I'll just throw out stuff. That might help...

So I was trying to work out what to wear to work this morning (I still have nothing to wear). And I spent 10 minutes trying to remember what I wore the first 3 days of the wk, so I could wear something different. It's all bluring into one. On the up side, I am interviewing someone today to be my temporary pleb. My life long dream fulfilled, my very own pleb.

Final thought - Mutant fruit alive and well in the US of A (and happily exported to HK). I bought an ate a very overpriced mango nectarine (mutant breed)from the overpriced food hall (think David Jones or Fortram & Mason). Now granted it will probably cause cancer or something equivalent, and it did cost more than my lunch most days, it was very yumm.

Oh one more final thought - I have a new plan for my holiday - Flying to Paris (instead of london) and spending the wkend in Paris with Will, then heading to london for the wk, the Dublin with RM & Beth for the second wkend. Should be good fun! BTW I think Will is forgetting my sense of humour - I think he's been away too long ;)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Yes I should be unpacking but I just found Serenity & my easter egg....

Maybe after dinner and a dvd I'll be more productive. I've unpacked my books and dvds and cds - only 7 boxes to go ;)

Yes I have Stephanie, I have Serenity, I have my teddy bear -> I am now happy!
As if I tried to be anything but the materialistic bitch I truly aim ;)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A slow rainy sunday...

I woke up far too early after having the latest night I've had in a wk. The party was good fun, although lacking in eligible men (as it seems most HK is). Everyone seemed to know everyone, and yet they were all very friendly to me (the outsider) and I even got a follow up invite to yum cha this morn (but had alternate plans). So it seems I have secured the junk teachers as friends, and I really like hanging out with them, but I'm still in the initial phases. I miss Caity, I miss having silences that don't feel long and awkward. I suck at filling awkward silences - given the crap I spurt I'm surprised these ppl still want to me friend. I dont quite get it.

We were meant to go to an island today but it was raining, so instead we went to a cuban restaurant for brunch and live cuban music. Was good fun, went with Amy and Jeff (her bf) and Kitty (another geo gal) and one of Kitty's friend. I met yet another english boy who I'm sure is gay, yet he may be straight. It reminds me of the saying about english public school boys ;)

Enjoyed the brunch, but again new friends are just a little bit more effort. Its not as easy as hanging out with Caity or Schwarzy or Will. Did a bit of shopping this afternoon -bloody Zara and their sale. I was forced to buy a couple of tops, I couldn't help it! Oh and yesterday I went into another store and bought a pair of black pants, they also had another style but when I asked for the bigger size, they said they don't make it that big. So that settles it. I'm going on a diet, and doing some exercise. Starting tomorrow!