Friday, September 08, 2006

They killed Anya again!

Now I appreciate I have just watched season 7 of buffy, and given it was the second time I watched it, I should have assumed the outcome would be the same. But still.
Did they have to kill Anya again?
On the upside, the season is definitely better than the second time round - oh and boy Angel was only it in for 5 mins, but he was still super hot. Yay to the fictional world. (even the nerdy outdated fictional world).

But y'all probably want to know about my reality. I'm in pain. Yep big pain. I went to netball on wednesday night. We did about 10 mins of warm up (if that) and then had little games. So I did my warm ups and then played in 3 4 min games. In total I would have been lucky to 25 mins of exercise (more likely 10 mins of exercise). Oh and I didn't really enjoy it. Either way, I now hurt loads. So next Tuesday Im going to try gallic football. If I dont like that either, I'll give in and join the gym. Some exercise is needed.

Oh and my hands are killing me from computers (RSI and poor ergonomic furniture). All in all, im in a world of pain. I went out with Mandy last night (scottish chick) was good fun, and not too badly hang over today but tired as hell. So given Amy's out of town, and Mandy's in a private dinner, I decided to have a night in. I made yummy pumpkin soup for dinner and scoffed a load of french bread. Oh next time before I make soup, I need a ladel and a masher. Oh and a bigger kitchen...

Tomorrow Im off on another junk with the teachers which should be big fun. So more entries this weekend, and some photos - have a fun weekend people!