Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Too much chilli yet again!

I once again added too much chilli sauce to my soup. I can't finish it, its too hot for too hot food ;)
Just a quick one, as I haven't tidied the kitchen or finished packing for tomorrow, and I need to leave before 6am!
Schwarzy's in town again and we managed to meet up for lunch, which was lovely. I went to my African Drum class which was very fun, although I suck very badly. I am still amazed at how talentless I am - in all areas.
Last night I met a couple of ppl from the expat site for a drink, then ended up joining another group at the pub, and stayed at til 1:30am (on a school night!) Was good fun, and I found a group that somewhat resembled Derya's group (although I haven't met the equivalent Derya character yet). Oh and there a bunch of expat journalists, so PD will be proud. And 1 of them lives in my street - so I have big hopes and joining this social sect. We shall see.
Off to Tokyo tomorrow early - can't wait. I have no plans tomorrow - im going to backpack. Rock up in Tokyo with my lonely planet in hand, and just wander. I cant wait!
Probably wont be online till Monday, so feel free to bombard me with emails for when I get back!
(Oh Mum, I will be on my work email on Friday, in case you're missing me!)

Monday, June 05, 2006

African drumming, mold and inner space...

I had the boringest day at work today, every minute dragged. One upside was that I brought in my chocolate fridge cake - the down side of course was I had to share it with everyone, and you know how I love sharing. But everyone totally appreciated my brilliance in the kitchen (as they should!). Then at about 5 o'clock I got a phone call from Bonnie (remember the canadian whos coming to Ben Harper). Her and her husband (yes she's married) have signed up for this african drumming course, but he's going to be away for work, so do I want to go? Well not only does this sound like I'm actually being invited to something (instead of me doing the inviting) but I get to bang on drums, and its down the road from my house! So pretty soon I will be african drummer extraordinaire! Can't wait!
So this morning I woke up, got ready for work, and noticed that my spare pillow had some white stuff on it - seemingly mold. It seems I'm not meant to leave any windows open, and always have my dehumidifer on, and stuff like that. I'm failing so far! Tonight I have washed my sheets and pillow, and it didnt clean it. So I went to the supermarket and bought super spray wash thingy (and mint slices) and put on the washing again. Now it is just finishing off its 3rd round, and it better be damn clean!! I'm so over house chores. I need to find a boy to act as my slave - I seem to constantly be washing clothes, dish washing or taking out rubbish. This is the downside of living alone...Oh and Ive started talking to myself ;)
Oh Schwarzy is back this week, so I should be able to catch up with her wednesday for brekkie or dessert or something....
Oh and I watched Inner Space on TV tonight - I hadn't seen that film in years - its great!!
Anyway time to go eat some chocolate fridge cake - toodles....

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Am I ready for such responsibility??

Yesterday I took the plunge - I bought a plant! A basil plant - vote now (on the right) for how long you think it will survive.
Other happenings this weekend - I saw XMen3 with a new friend, a lovely Boston gal called Caroline. So hopefully another friend. I also went out last night for drinks which was fun and met Mira le for early brunch this morning. Oooh and I made chocolate fridge cake - for myself! But I will share a bit with work ppl and Mira. So this week should be good, got 3 days of work, then off to Tokyo , and next weekend got the Ben Harper concert. Cant wait!! Normally I waffle on far more than this, wonder whats up?? hmm strange....