Monday, October 02, 2006

The End is Nigh....

My final hours of freedom....
A lovely morning in dublin, no rain, not too cold and this internet cafe gave me free coffee - so today will be a good day. Soon I will be heading to Dublin airport for my flight back to London (luton), where I will then make my way to Paddington. Dump my bag for a few hours and wander round Maida Vale (hopefully with Will - there was a slight miscommunication problem the last couple of times we attempted to catch up). Then my 10pm flight back to HK, arriving Tuesd 5pm. Back to work wednesday - bright and early! Do I need to mention that I dont want to go back???

Had a lovely weekend in Dublin with Roxie Mae & Beth - and was kindly put up by RM's irish friend Darah. So we did wandering, lots of eating and drinking. Yesterday was rainy hangover day, so after a gorgeous brunch we headed back to the couch for many episodes of Angel (many many episodes - not my idea seriously ;)

Jen's moving to Tampa with RM & Beth soon, I'm tempted to visit. Damn work gets in the way. Oh and I have to go home to visit Dee too!! Still trying to get hold of the girl - between time differences and whatever else, shes impossible to reach.

Oh book recommendation - Shantaram! It's massive (900+ pages) but great. I've been reading it the whole trip!! Should finish it on the way back...

Did I mention I'm not at all excited to head back, but I am looking forward to seeing Mandy, Amy and Hayley (even though she will be going on about the Sydney Swans loss ;). I have a few things planned for when I get back, so should make reality a bit more bearable. I'm going to try and not drink for a few days, so that my throat recovers (finally). Although I did buy some more drugs in boots!

OK need to write a couple of postcards and then head to the airport. Oh and maybe try and reach Dee again....