Thursday, September 21, 2006

"Miss Bell, you were meant to be on last night's flight"

That is the first thing that the stupid check in chick at the airport express station said to me. Now I do appreciate that this chick had spent the past 10 minutes getting yelled at by a pissed off old british guy, but that is no reason to take it out on me!
"No" I explained " The flight is at 30 mins past midnight friday, which would be tonight" (Thursday night)
" Miss Bell you are on last night's flight, not tonight" She repeats
At this point, I start thinking - could I have really made such a mistake? (to start with I find that very hard to believe) will BA let me get on tonights flight? Do I need to buy a whole new flight? Or will I have to stay in HK?!
"No" I repeat "Check Again - Today is Thursday, therefore Friday midnight is tonight"
Well there was no apology but she finally found my name. What a friggin cow. I should point out, I am on tonights flight - I made no mistake - it was all her!

I managed to have a great day with Sarah regardless, nothing too intense, just some eating and walking and shopping. I am feeling better, but still tired and slowly improving. I hope I sleep loads on the plane. Was going to have a sleep this evening but it didn't happen - think i was too hungry. So now I've eaten, taken my drugs, and tidied a bit for Mandy. (Oh did I mention Mandy is housesitting for me? and then staying with me for a few wks - should be fun).

Princely Update

When Sarah arrived Tuesday night, I left my keys outside my flat in black boots on my show stand. So she was standing there shaking my shoes to try and find the keys. Of course right at that time, my friendly neighbour happened to be entering his apartment and saw Sarah acting rather odd.

Day 2 for Ms Lockley and she heads out for a morning walk. Sarah is attempting to lock the door, and having much trouble, standing there swearing for some minutes before finally succeeding. She then wonders to the lift and realises that my hot neighbour had been standing there waiting for the lift. He gives her a friendly "Hello" and they enter the lift together. As the lift heads to the ground floor, a 2nd lady shares the lift. Sarah has no idea where to walk, and decides to follow the other 2 in the correct direction. Of course the lift stops, the lady walks out, and Sarah at the back of lift is waiting for Mr Short Shorts to exit. But no, he aint moving. Finally Ms Lockley realises that this young man is waiting for her to first exit the lift before exiting (yes he was being a gentleman!). Needless to say Sarah was now shocked and confused - what strange strange behaviour.

But if nothing else this proves what a Prince he is ;) Mandy and I was trying to ply Sar for all the details but she didn't realise what a big deal it was. She isn't used to the serious shortage of hotties in hong kong. BTW it aint fair that she sees him twice in 2 days!! How come I never see him??

Anyway almost time for me to head to the airport. Meeting a friend at the airport whos on the same flight with me - should be fun. It still doesnt feel like I'm going to be seeing Will tomorrow, and Trudi, RM, Chris & the gang on sunday. Its going to be a kick ass trip ;) I wonder if I'll miss HK at all? What do you think?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The bad stuff always happens to me....

Monday: I woke up with a slightly sore throat and started loading up on Vitamin C and multi vitamins.

Tuesday: I woke up with a full on cold - feeling generally crap, and getting worse as the day continues. I was teaching all day, my throat was hurting, and I managed to escape work at 4:30pm and go to bed. Unfortunatly I was too sick to go to spanish or entertain Sarah. Sarah arrived about 8:30pm, and thanfully she was happy to vege on the couch, catchup and watch dodgy tv. I took some drugs and slept through most of the night.

Wednesday: Another day of training - and given I knew I would feel worse in the afternoon and I wanted to hang out with Sarah, I headed into work early. I felt slightly better than yesterday, but not much. Once I was sitting at work and being vaguely productive, and other people were walking into the office and saying hi - I realised I HAD NO VOICE. I WAS VOICELESS!! ONE DAY before my HOLIDAY!
I had to do training today - but with no voice it was kinda difficult - so I managed (after much begging) to get one of the Australian trainers to cover me. I visited the doctor and got loads more drugs - including antibiotics and 8 other things to take at all different times... I then completed work, and managed to get home by 2pm for my first nap.

I got woken up by someone breaking into my flat - actually it was Sarah fighting with the locks. We chatted for a while and it turns out she hadn't slept last night - so we decided on another nap. Now she is still sleeping, but I should wake her.

My plan for the next 24 hours, is lots of drug and lots of sleep - and very little talking, and hopefully I'll feel loads better by the time I get off the plan in london to meet with Will and head of to Paris.

Bloody awful timing - why does this always happen to me???

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I can feel the London buzz already...

5 days to go and I'm already getting into London mode. Watched a dodge movie this morning (it had Rob Lowe in it)that was set in London, and every time it cut to a london scene I thought "ooh I want to be there". Which brings up the question why am in Hong Kong? I do like Hong Kong, but I don't feel the London buzz. At the moment, I just assume its the whole settling in thing, but I think I need to give it a time. For example, stick it out til April next year and then decide. Now he's a stupid thought for you - I'm turning 30 next August and I do not want to be going along with this level of job satisfaction and life in limbo-ness by then. So I guess April is the cut off, so that by my birthday next year I'll have some vague direction in my life. Or something....

This week is going to be crazy. I should be tidying the flat as Sarah arrives on Tuesday night and I'm out monday night - but instead I'm watching tv and blogging..
I have Mon - wed at work, then Thursday hang out with Sarah and thursday night fly to LONDON!!! Ok before I let you know about my week - check out what I have planned for my holiday:
Friday - Arrive London (early) meet Will at the airport, head to Waterloo for reunion with Katie K and coffee before Eurostaring to Paris.
Sat/Sun - Paris with Will, so no doubt plenty of coffee, catch up and perving - YAY!
Sun night - Family dinner in a lovely pub with hopefully a load of my london friends, including Trudes & Chris & Char - Woohoo.
Mon night - Dinner with Vinnie & Doreen - yay for home cooking!
Tues/wed - hanging out in London with friends - no plans yet but should be fun.
Thursday - Spend day & night in Glasgow with Struth - and check out her lovely flat.
Friday - fly to Dublin to spend the weekend with RM & Beth (and Will for a bit, and maybe Jen too ). No doubt will be a crazy wkend
Monday - fly back from Dublin - London and then onto Hong Kong. Arrive Tuesday night - return to work Wednesday.
I cant wait for my holiday..
Until then I have 3 crazy days of work and Sarah arrives Tuesday night. Unfortunately I also start spanish tuesday night, so need to work out some random plan with Sarah. Monday night dinner with Mira and wednesday dinner with the girls - so should be pretty busy til I go.
Plan for today - run to the shop to buy laundry detergent (and croissant for breakfast). Spend an hour or 2 tidying the flat, ready for Sarah's arrival (oh and Mandy will be staying while I'm away so it needs to be actually tidy not pretend tidy). Then head to Causeway bay to check out a couple of gyms, and spend a gift voucher - then off to the movies with Mandy and her friends. We're going to see "Devil Wears Prada" - should be a lovely girly afternoon. Alright off to the shops - sorry for the lack excitement in my blogs lately - I'm feeling a bit blah (yes Ebby - a feeling). My Hong Kong life is making me boring - and I aint boring ;) Thankfully a holiday is on its way....