Saturday, April 01, 2006


So I've started doing stuff! Boxes have been delivered and due to be picked up on the 10th April! So that gives me 10 days to pack my stuff!
Oh and I got a phone call from the MD of the Hong Kong Office, just warning me that they are putting me in a hotel that has yet to be tested. So I'm the guinea pig! Anyway he told me the name and it sounded familiar. 蘭桂坊
For those that don't read chinese - Lan Kwai Fong Hotel - in Lan Kwai Fong. This area is filled with little lanes packed with bars, restaurants and clubs. Its the main expat hangout and my hotel is right there! So I'm guessing my first month will be filled be drinking and no sleep! Can't wait!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Big Move!

It seems I am unable to sit still! Less than 2 yrs in Sydney, and I'm ready to go again. Through some random twist of fate, I find myself moving to Hong Kong. Totally unexpected, I'm totally disorganised, and super excited. Perhaps any normal person would feel a sense of trepidation, but alas it hasn't hit me yet. Don't worry, I'll keep you informed!