Saturday, July 29, 2006

Work parties just aint the same since Logica

We had a mid year work do last night. It involved a boat trip and dinner and drinks. The boat trip was OK, the weather was pretty overcast but I managed to have a very nice swim. Other than that, it was pretty boring. Mostly I don't like th people I work with. I have nothing to say to most of them, and when drunk many of them are like stupid little boys. Probably I was not drunk enough, but I doubt it would have helped....

Managed to catch up on a bit of sleep today and have packed mostly for Singapore. I leave early tomorrow and am staying in a lovely hotel. I hope they have a bath, my flat doesn't and I feel like one. Either way they have a lovely pool so I'll go for a swim.

Didn't do much this wk, taught every day so was mostly zonked at night. Dinner party on sunday night was good fun - check out pictures here
Dinner Party (& flat) pictures

Have been eating badly, going to do better when I get back from Sing...Oh wow - Police Academy is on - (Police Academy in Moscow) looks scary! Have organised a small gathering tonight with a couple of people, so hopefully will be fun. And maybe I will feel more awake after my shower. Either way excited for Singapore!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Things that make me happy (albeit temporarily)

So today wasn't great and I haven't had a social life in a while (well not one involving a boy), yet a few little things added up to make me happy. I walked home from work today, I had forgotten what hard work the hill was. On my way home I managed to pick up blueberries, avocados and a shoe rack (finally) - for a bargain $hk20. I don't know what put me in a good mood, definitely the work helped - even though it was hot, stuffy and smoggy, I still enjoyed it. Oh and one of the girls at work brought us ice cream and another brought cake, so I spent the afternoon eating haagendaaz & cake, after a very yummy kung po chicken lunch.
Oh and I'm off to Singapore next week (and Simone gave me someone to visit while I'm there, and sent me a very sweet email too.) Oh and I'm working on a longer trip to Tokyo. Unfortunately they want me to go Tokyo when I'm planning to be on holiday. And as much as I really want to go to Tokyo, I'm not willing to give up a weekend with Will in Paris, a week in London with Chris, Trudi & the girls, and a wkend in Dublin with RM & Beth. Oooh and my pleb starts tomorrow - can't wait!

Anyway better make some dinner and tidy up a bit. If i can be bothered I'd update with dinner party photos. A great success!

OK no photos tonight, but guess what!?!??! I have finally booked my trip to london!! I have been putting it off and hoping the flights get cheaper. I checked it out yesterday and the cheapest flight with a non dodge airline was HK$6100. Well i randomly checked now before logging off and booked myself a flight direct from HK to london, flying BA, for only HK$4800 - BARGAIN!!! Hopefully they don't back out!! So people, this goes on my list of things that make me happy ;) I can't wait!! Night all - sweet dreams!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

All I need is the right motivation...

My flat is spotless! I vacuumed, I cleaned, and everything is put away (oh except for that bag of ironing I have to do sometime). And I imagine you are now asking yourself " to what do we owe this amazing occurance?". Well I'm having a dinner party. Not your typical Nat dinner party with 12 ppl, 6 courses and 19 bottles of wine. No this is a testing the water type dinner party. A Sunday roast, 2 simple courses , 1 bottle of wine (but I'm hoping the guests bring more ;) and 3 guests. I have 5 chairs, but the table really only fits 4, and the oven is minature (think microwave) and a chicken divides nicely by 4. Oh and I invited an additional person and she turned me down (well she had a family thing). And I'm short of friends, well friends that I'd want to invite over to my house anyway ;)
So whos coming? Amy, Amy's bf - Jeff, and Kitty. (This is the same group I spent last sunday with, if you guys are keeping up.)
I'm making rotisserie chicken, mash potato, and if I can find some decent mangos, a green salad with mango and balsamic dressing - yummo. Oh and dessert (if i can find a couple more granny smith apples) is apple crumble. Should be yummo if I can find the ingredients. At the moment I am short mangos, lettuce, herbs, granny smith and a chicken. I went to the cheap supermarket yesterday and they were short quite a few things. So after my shower I'm off to the markets to pick up the veg, and then the expensive supermarket to pick up granny smith and chicken. (I'm not quite at the point of eating local chickens - given avian flu and all that...)

I've spent all wkend in my flat trying to tidy up, with little visits to the store to buy stuff i needed. I really need a shoe rack, but I have yet to find one. Maybe today. Oh and last night made myself a super yummy spaghetti and meatballs (yummo) and watched a disney movie "eight below". About this rescue dogs in Antartica, It wasn't on my list of movies to watch but a girl at work leant it to me. It was actually really good. Seriously. And yes I'm terribly hormonal at the moment, so I was exceptionally teary over these lost dogs - but still... Yep another exciting saturday night for ms bell....