Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ooops I did it again....

I once again bought too much stuff and attempted to carry it home. My arms hurt! I bought loads of stuff, including a dehumidifier. (Haven't opened the box yet but its sitting here) The important thing isw I made many people happy. Every single person who passed me carrying all my stuff, had a bit of a giggle. (No one offered to assist I should point out) And yes the correct way to do it, would have been to jump in a cab, even though I was only 1 street from home. Taxis are essential in HK, even for 1 block it seems.
So the last days of wk have been boring, and I hadn't been feeling great, so it dragged on. Although I did nothing today it was good to sleep in, and I managed to tidy the flat, and give everything a home - so my place looks a bit more civilised - photos soon to come.
Tomorrow I am going on a bike ride with some expats (that I have yet to meet) so hopefully I wont chicken out! It will be a nice variation from my standard pasttime of watching dvds and eating tomato soup and rice (gotta love the rice cooker). Oh and due to my new addiction to movies - my favourite website is Its great!
Oh and Thursday night I discovered Ladies Night in Hong Kong. We went to this one bar and got free cosmopolitans - it was great - plenty of alcohol and all free. Different bars do different things - some do cosmos, some do champagne...U'd love it Elana!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The highlight of my day....

Was buying a loaf of bread (ok it was chocolate bread) and paid for it with my Octopus card. Was soo fun!
Work is still very boring, I still lack friends and I've been feeling kinda sick for the last 24 hrs. Apart from that, today has been ok. Partly due to the Octopus card, partly to the chocolate bread, and partly cause I have a couple of social engagements.
I had lunch with a couple of people from an expat website - a japanese girl and a dutch guy. We ate at the cafe by the pool at the Marriot - was lovely (Don't you love it when I rough it!)
And I am just about to head out the door to meet a friend of a friend from aus. Were going out to dinner and to discover the Ladies night around town (free drinks for girlies). Wish me luck!

Monday, May 08, 2006

A room with a View

This is the view from my lounge window - not bad heh - very gotham city.

So I've finally got some HK pictures up - All the gorgeous black and white ones or generally nice ones, are from Kevs camera! Check out flickr for all the new ones (including old ones, from Dees birthday!) The link is on the right, just click on the flickr icons in the right column. (Detailed instructions for the parents!)

I had an amazing wkend with Kev, he arrived Friday evening and left this morning (sunday) at 5am. I wish he had stayed til tonight, so I didn't have to spend today alone. Was depressing. I went to my friend's 2 yr old son's birthday party, which was boring and no one spoke to me. Then I went shopping for some random things, and got myself a dvd hifi system. I had seen it advertised for between 800 and 1000. And I got it for 588! I was very proud of myself (didn't have much to do with me, more with the fact that it was a little store, and it was the final model. I even bought a load of cheap dvds, thinking I could watch them, but unfortunately came back couldn't bought my stupid system together.
So Kevin, will you come back and set up my dvd system? (He did such a good job on the bed! - I mean putting together the bed!) Maybe I'll be more inspired tomorrow night.
I'm not looking forward to this wk. Work is gonna be boring, and I have no social life. Maybe it's even worse that Kev came? It made me realise how fun Honkers can be, all I need is some friends. Oh and to cheer me up more, I'm reading Kite runner at the moment, and I'm up to the really sad bit (or one of them anyway).

Night guys, oh and I have myself a webcam now - so can do chats and all...