Thursday, May 04, 2006


No - I haven't suddenly learnt chinese! I am sitting on a computer with lang set to chinese, and given everything is in chinese, I can't change it back to english. Well at least I can update my blog!

So I'm guessing the above sanscript is saying - Life Sux! Well that's what it would be saying if I could write the stuff. Yesterday was a vaguely productive day at work, and I managed to buy a home phone, and made myself a yummy dinner, oh and my new bed got delivered from Ikea. So it was all going well until I skipped dessert. (I had even bought a lovely little maxim cake, and delayed eating it because I was so excited about my bed.)

I spent at least 1.5 hours putting together and what do I have to show for it? The base of the bed, masses of bruises, broken nails, and a really sore knee. I should be on my way home now to finish building my bed, but I can't see it going any better tonight. I was hoping some one would suddenly be friendly at work, enquire about my life, and offer to help. As If. And I really cant 7 month pregnant Mira (and her husband is out of the country this wk!). So that leaves....well me. And only me...

Oh and the thing that really bummed me about today, was basically I got told I have got no control of the stuff that gets taught in Asia, even though I happen to be sitting with these people and could easily help them. Nope, not my job. All I do is teach what is decided in sydney, no matter how irrelevant it is to people in Asia. So today I finally remembered what life was like, before I had Chris in london. I had to call home to bitch about my day. (Rolle was terrible to bitch to) Which would be fine if I had a phone. I could really do with someone to go out for a beer or 2 with, bitch about my day and maybe even help with my bed. Unfortunately for Kevin, he arrives tomorrow. So I'm afraid he may have to help me build my bed, and listen to me bitch. And he's only here for about 30 hrs, I feel kinda mean making him work.

What else? I dunno, its all moaning and bitching. I think I'm gonna have to have some serious fast food for dinner. And polish off my dodgy chilean white I've been drinking. I can't wait til tomorrow. Between 9am and 11am, PCCW (equivalent of BT but hopefully more effecient) will be installing my broadband, cable tv and home phone. And then I should do something productive, but chances are I will be playing on the net and watching TV, and then Kevin arrives. Thankfully!

More tomorrow no doubt, when I get my broadband at home...
Oh what is "Publish Post" in chinese...bugger

Monday, May 01, 2006

The problems of going to Ikea alone....

It is scary that the main time I have missed having someone was at Ikea. And no, it wasn't seeing all the couples or families walking around picking furniture together. It was at checkout, when I realised that although I had put back all the plates and glasses, I still had far too much stuff for 1 person to carry (or even 2 ppl to carry). In truth, I didn't miss a bf at that point, I would have been happy with a friend, or a gay boy to help me. Being friendless sucks, especially furniture shopping. Oh and as you can imagine I looked stunningly gorgeous while in Ikea (NOT, you all know how little effort I put into wkend wear - especially when lugging round furniture) So as predicted I run into the one hot guy from the office - not that he's my type (he's the office stud), would it have been too much for me to be looking vaguely decent...
So I got the keys to the flat saturday night (about 7pm) and slept on the sofa bed. Sunday morning woke up early, did brunch, went to ikea(ordered a bed-arriving wednesday), dumped my stuff, went back to the shops, bought my rice cooker and kettle, carried the stuff back up the hill to my house. Went to the supermarket, and made a very yummy dinner of marinated steak, vegetables and rice in my rice cooker - was great. Although my kitchen is tiny!
Today I did a grocery shop for essentials, and then met my real estate for lunch. She took me and a couple from work (who she also got a flat for) out for the yummiest vietnamese meal. I think it was the best meal I had so far. It will definately be one of the places I take guests. I am totally stuffed - yet bought a coffee to use the internet - can't wait til I get broadband in the flat!

Oh and I love how all the mobile phone shops are next to each other here, it makes it so much easier to compare prices. I'm sure I have loads more to write, but theres a really obnoxious kid harrassing me, so I better go! More soon...