Friday, April 28, 2006

Why Me? Why Me?

I was meant to sign the lease to my flat yesterday and pick up the keys, I turned up to the flat with the real estate to meet the landlords. So far so good. They seem nice enough (not that I have any idea what they're saying!)
I start to notice they haven't put the bed in the main bedroom, or fixed the painting or do any of the things they were meant to do. Turns out they thought we were doing this next wk - Well then what the hell did they thing we were all meeting at the apartment for?
Half hr of cantonese discussion later, and the lease signing is rescheduled for saturday evening (6pm), but they want have time to get the bed and closet, so they will give me $3000 to buy what I want.
In theory this sounds good, except that I dont trust that they will come through on saturday. What an unorganised bunch! I cant handle it.
So I need to check out of the hotel tomorrow morning, and hopefully I will be moving into my flat tomorrow night. But I ain't holding my breath.
Then I get to spend the remainder of my long weekend setting up the flat, and visiting IKEA. It's not like i have any other plans for the wkend (like anything social). More takeout and watching movies in my room. What fun....
Actually speaking of social. I met Bennys cousin last night, and her friend Joanna. We had a great time, lots of yummy balinese food, while sitting on an opium bed. Kev's in town next weekend, but I'm catching up with them the weekend after. (Going to Joannas for dinner, I've promised the beer cake)
So yes by the time the obligatory 6 mths are over, I will have some friends (and no love life as per usual) - but I can't be stuffed waiting.
Speaking of lack of love life - I have progressed from gay guys adoring me, to straight married men adoring me - unfortunately I don't think he's going to leave his wife for me, oh and he's in Sydney.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

On my way to get a Hong Kong ID

Starting work a little late this morn, as I have to go to the immigration dept and get a Hong Kong ID. Which of course means time for a quick coffee and email!
So I managed to get flat 3 for $12,500. Not as low as I wanted, but its fully furnished, amazingly central location, and in a reasonably quiet street (i think!). I need to get a bank chq done up today, and meet up with the real estate tonight to sign the contract and get the keys. Can't wait. I have a crazy day today;
9am - immigration dept - HK ID card
6pm - Meeting Real estate at my new flat (and yes Will it has good feng shui)
7:30pm - meet Benny's cousin and her friend for dinner in Wan Chai.

and in between - i have to rock up to work and be productive.

I taught my first class in Hong Kong this week (tues/wed). Had 5 guys, 3 from tokyo , 1 from shanghai, 1 from HK. A mix of Kiwi, brits, yanks and a hk local. Was good fun and we all went out for dinner on Tues night - so I'm slowly (very) getting a social life.

It's a long wkend here in HK (we have monday off) and I plan to use it to settle in to my flat - I only have a wk to get 'Hotel De Nat' ready, as Kev arrives next friday. Don't worry I'll publish his reviews here, so you can decide if you want to visit the hotel ;)

Alrighty, off to the Immigration Dept with Tegan & Sarah singing in my ears....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Wet Smelly Clothes and Hills to climb!

One week over and I've discovered a few more things about Hong Kong -->

* Laundry will not dry, no matter how many days you leave it out - something to do with high levels of humidity.
* Going to a real restaurant (no matter how average the food) is expensive. No wonder I've been doing the equivalent of fast food.
* Coffee in this town sux.
* Kitchens are 1 gas burner, a mini fridge and if you're lucky a washing machine and microwave.
* Bedrooms might be able to fit a double bed.
* It is very likely that I will be living opposite/next to a building site (they seem to be everywhere here)
* In Hong Kong, everyone wants to live in a new/refurbished apartment.

So I did manage friday night drinks with colleagues - no best buddies yet, but at least I know a few names (even if they are all 23.) Yesteray I spent house hunting, saw about 15 flats (With 3 different agents) and walked up about 1000 steps in humid 30 degree heat. I don't think I will need to join a gym here (my legs hurt today from my workout yesterday). From the 15 flats I saw yesterday, they were all in the same area - mid levels (very expat area - I didn't really want to live there but its central and easy) there were 3 I was interested in - here's the rundown:
1. $15000, big main bedroom, decent size kitchen. No washing machine, dining table, bed, couch. ie only fridge. I asked for $13k with furniture. He came back with $13k without furniture. So wont take it. Too noisy street.
2. $15000, reasonably big, great views, missing most furniture. I asked for $13k with furniture. This would be my second choice - it's on a main street but its 24 levels up, so no noise, and amazing view.
3. $13500, smaller, pretty furnished (although needs a bed) - in the same area, but down a lane with no cars, quieter, simpler, probably the one I can most see living in. I offered $12k with a bed. Waiting to hear.

Going to see a couple more today, out of town a bit - ocean views blah, but no MTR (tube) -only bus or tram. so I'm kinda hoping number 3 comes back to me - and I like that real estate best, she's very funny, and didn't believe I had a younger sister b/c I was soo young - she thought I was 20. Oh and she wouldn't let me take another flat (even though it would make her more money) because it had a bad feeling - it would be bad for my romance - gotta love feng shui.

So hopefully this week I will find a home, and get a kitchen and then I'll be happier. Who needs friends - when I have a kitchen! Oh and I start teaching this wk too - Being busy at work will help. and Kev called me this morning, he's coming to visit on May 5 - my first guest - I can't wait. Oooh and I think next wkend is a long wkend too. Tough Life!