Saturday, March 01, 2008

Either I am getting better at building beds, or IKEA beds are very difficult!

When I first arrived in Hong Kong, and knew no one I bought myself a bed from IKEA. At this point I did not know they offer to assemble for an extra charge, so I set to build the bed myself. It took many painful days, and probably would not have been completed if not for Ben's phone call say "aren't you using an electric screwdriver?" and me going out to buy one.
So in the end I had a very shaky bed, and only then because Kevin arrived from Oz on the final day and help correct my mess.

So now it is 2 years later, (almost), and I arrived in Canberra - and this time I checked - no they don't offer the assembly package. Bugger. My flatmate and i managed to somehow squeeze the bed frame boxes into her old (well not new) sedan. I slowly set to put the bed together once again myself - still being without friends.

First up this dodgy cheap better didn't need a screwdriver - just 2 different allen keys. Its a lovely metal (and some wood) construction. And it was pretty easy. Really!

Who thinks this is because I have improved in the trade of bed building????

Wednesday the bedframe was finished - but no mattress yet so I put my blow up mattress on the bedframe. It was a little scary but I survived. Thursday my mattress arrived, so i have now had 2 nights on a real bed. Its been good, and I really thought that a real bed will erase the pain of the floor - but I think I still need a massage before I'm going to forget about the last 3 weeks!

I'm kinda enjoying the bed for other reasons. Its a great place to throw things on when I cant be bothered hanging them up, and don't want to throw them on the floor. Its great to kick things under, and due to my lack of other furniture its a great desk substitute. As exhibited now while updating my blog on the bed.

Alright as my be obvious by now, I am updating my blog to avoid tidying my room. I have to go and make my place ready for guests who will be arriving sometime this avo. Glad they're coming from Sydney (and Melb) - I may not be excited for the party, but I am excited to see my friends.

Oh and I made Choc Fridge Cake last night - and it tastes a little weird. (from licking the bowel). At first I thought it was because I used bundy rum instead of white rum - but I actually think it it because I used dodgy Aldi Chocolate. I was reading the packet - and i think it may have soy milk in it!!

Don't worry will only serve the cake once everyone's sloshed!


Joyfulone said...

I miss your cooking!

I sincerely hope you mean "licking the bowl" and not "the bowel".


Jyllie said...

just think how easy it will be next time - they say third time proves it.

Know the cake went down well!