Monday, July 10, 2006

You know when you're really sick when.....

You come home from work, and find your house keys still in your front door!

Seriously! I've never done that before! I must be ill.
Throat is killing me - I was training all day today, and all day tomorrow. No talking tonight!

Oh and I normally wear sneakers to work and change into girlie shoes. I rocked up to work today and couldn't find my girlie shoes - I had left them at home. So I was walking round in sneakers all day. Great day!

Oh and final annoyance - Shipping company called. My boxes (are due to ) arrive tonight. Yay I thought, no - customs 4 -5 working days. If I'm really lucky I'll hear from them next monday. I won't hold my breath...

Even passing the firemen working out didn't chear me up. Maybe my roast dinner will. Early night for me, and hope I magically wake up cured tomorrow!


ebbye said...

Yes I know how that feels! Hope you are feeling a bit better?

ebbye said...

I also think that fireman aren't usually hot unless they are ACTUALLY rescuing you from a fire! Then the muscly arms and the thought of death increases your libido and as you gaze into their eyes...
I have walked by plenty of fireman who I would NEVER look at in plain clothes!