Sunday, May 14, 2006

An Ode to my Mum!!!

I have always known my mum is super powered amd can do all sorts of thing, but you really don't value your mum, until you come home after 5 hrs of cycling to find your flat in an absolute mess. I spent all yesterday tidying my flat, and this morning was running late and couldn't find the sunscreen, so ended up turning the place upside down to find it. Which is the view I entered into, this evening after a far too energetic day. And it was at that exact moment, that I missed my mummy. Terrible I know, because she is far more than miss tidy- but hey thats the most obvious.
Oh and I've never lived alone before - so I have to take the garbage out - yet again, do the laundry - yet again, tidy up - yet again. Oh what fun. On the upside, flats in this city are so small, sharing would suck. (Photos to come)
So bike ride was good, a big bbq with 25 ppl, then a 3 hr bike ride (involving getting lost, yet the locals don't want to lose face, so much riding round in circles). People were nice, but no one stood out as potential best buddies, or love interests. Oh and they were pretty young, one guy I was chatting to, turned out to be 20! Definately people were older, but a pretty young bunch (the girls especially).
Oh and as much as I love my mummy, I am a little in love with my rice cooker. I got home from the bike ride, put on my rice cooker, jumped into the shower, and my rice was ready - its a great invention!
Oh well sunday night, another week of work coming up. I dont wanna go............

1 comment:

ebbye said...

5 hours of cycling????! You are going to be the hottest and fittest Australian representative over there! Not to mention the only non cab catcher in HK!