Thursday, May 11, 2006

The highlight of my day....

Was buying a loaf of bread (ok it was chocolate bread) and paid for it with my Octopus card. Was soo fun!
Work is still very boring, I still lack friends and I've been feeling kinda sick for the last 24 hrs. Apart from that, today has been ok. Partly due to the Octopus card, partly to the chocolate bread, and partly cause I have a couple of social engagements.
I had lunch with a couple of people from an expat website - a japanese girl and a dutch guy. We ate at the cafe by the pool at the Marriot - was lovely (Don't you love it when I rough it!)
And I am just about to head out the door to meet a friend of a friend from aus. Were going out to dinner and to discover the Ladies night around town (free drinks for girlies). Wish me luck!

1 comment:

ebbye said...

chocolate bread! Yummy! Send me some?! By the time you get this you'll have been back - how were the free drinks?